At Pope Valley, we appreciate our involved parents and community members and desire to keep you informed of all that’s happening in our school. On this page, we’ll chronicle school activities and student achievements and publish public announcements. So check back often; we’ll update it regularly.
A Memorable Back to School Night
We recently enjoyed a memorable evening at Pope Valley Elementary’s annual Back to School Night!
Making New Friends This School Year
Get ready for a fantastic new school year at Pope Valley Elementary School! It’s the perfect time to make new friends and create unforgettable memories.
Encouraging Parents to Follow Us on Social Media
Stay connected with all the latest news, events, and highlights from Pope Valley Elementary School!
Summer Entertainment on a Dime
Summer’s here! Our kids are excited, ready for anything that doesn’t feel like school; however, we parents might be more accurately described as “anxious!” What will our kids do all day? How much will it cost us? Summer strikes fear in parents everywhere; so what are we going to do to survive the summer?
Planning Summer Activities
Now that the excitement of school ending has expired, and the long hot days of summer are upon us, the ever dreaded boredom has settled into the household. Although we would all love to “vacation” for the summer, it’s not always an affordable or available option for our families.
Summer Fun
For most teens, summer is a time to hang out with friends, sleep in late, and be independent. Of course, we are all looking forward to the relaxing pace that summer offers, but if we are going to have a successful summer, we need to plan for it.